We have been Outreach since 2017, initially as Playbase and now as Play Works.

Our Outreach provision brings our experience, skills and resources to isolated communities across West Lothian.

Anyone who has children is welcome as we believe that playing makes us all happier and healthier and we want to work, alongside communities, to develop awesome play experiences for all the family.

We start by having conversations, through play, to find out what families feel makes them happier and healthier and then create a community play plan.

This might include…

  • outdoor and indoor play
  • whole family and child only play
  • spending time in nature
  • community events and pop-up play sessions
  • individual support plans

So far we have/are working in Addiewell, Blackridge, Bridgend, Stoneyburn, Westfield, and are always looking for communities in need.

We’re all really friendly so if you have a question just ask!

Give us a call on 07717 837775. Send us an email to mobile@playworks.org.uk

Look out on Facebook for one of our Play Days. Or look out for our VanBus in your community.